Sign-up for PayPal

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

Create a PayPal Account

  1. Go to the PayPal Web Site using this link
  2. Choose the "Start Now" link at the bottom of the Web page
  3. Choose the "Business" > "Get Started" button
  4. Choose "Web Site Payments Standard" and choose "Select This"
    • Enter Business Information
    • Enter Customer Service Contact Information, including email address (this is the email address you will use for your Web site store.)
  5. Confirm Email Address
    • A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you used to sign-up for your PayPal account.

Accept Online Payments

  1. Login to your Web Site Manager
  2. Choose the "Store" tab
  3. Choose the "Update Store Settings" link
  4. Enter your PayPal email address in the "PayPal Email Address" field
  5. Choose "Apply Settings".

NOTE: There is no need to create any PayPal "buttons" as they will be displayed automatically when you add items/products to your Web site store, using the Web Site Manager.

Add and Confirm your Bank Account

  1. Add Bank Account [Help from PayPal]
    • Enter Bank name, account number, routing numbers, and name associated with bank account.
  2. Confirm Bank Account [Help from PayPay]
    • Instantly confirm your bank account (if available), or
    • Confirm your bank account by random deposits
      • In a couple of days you will receive two small deposits in your bank account (less than $1.00 each).
      • Login to PayPal and enter these two sets of numbers to verify your bank account.

NOTE: This will authenticate your identity (e.g. "Verify" your account) with PayPal and remove the withdrawal limit.

Other PayPal Help